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Blauner Reiter jpg.

Blauner Reiter jpg.

'Wassily Kandisinskys blauner Reiter'; Jonny Filterlos, Cartoon/Digital Artwork 2018

Schloss Gloggnitz Solarisation

Schloss Gloggnitz Solarisation

'Schloss Gloggnitz', Weghofer Hans D. C., Digitalsolarisation 2015

Shit is no icecream - no matter with color you paint it

Shit is no icecream - no matter with color you paint it

'Shit is no icecream - no matter with color you paint it'; Jonny Filterlos, digitale Photographik 09/17/2017

'Her eyes'

'Her eyes'

"Her eyes"; Seinab 'Rania' Saiahi, Pencil, Mar. 2015"

'L' bleu outremer'

'L' bleu outremer'

'L' bleu outremer - the ultramarine factory', Weghofer Hans D. C., April/15/2015



"Tomeh"; Seinab 'Rania' Saiahi, Pencil, Oct. 2014"

'Le moment de l'éruption'

'Le moment de l'éruption'

'Le moment de l'éruption'; Weghofer Hans D. C., Acryl, 28.12.2015



"Portrait"; Seinab 'Rania' Saiahi, Pencil, 2014



'ALIENS"Я"US'; Weghofer Hans D. C., Acryl auf Leinwand, 24 x 30 cm, 14. Mai 2016

'Red lips'

'Red lips'

"Red lips"; Seinab 'Rania' Saiahi, pencil + red crayon, 2016

Goldfishcar jpg.

Goldfishcar jpg.

'The veiltail goldfishcar'; Weghofer Hans D. C., Sept. 30. 2015

'Grievous Angel'

'Grievous Angel'

'Grievous Angel'; Seinab 'Rania' Saiahi, pencil, august 2016

'Tribute to a visionary philosopher'

'Tribute to a visionary philosopher'

'A tribute to a visionary philosopher'; Weghofer Hans D. C., 07/2016

URBEX de luxe: Trapped

URBEX de luxe: Trapped

'URBEX de luxe: Trapped' Weghofer Hans D. C., Lichtsolarisation, 1989

'La guerre - there is a war'

'La guerre - there is a war'

'La guerre - there's a war'; Weghofer Hans D. C., Bleistift aquarelliert, 24.12.2015

Die coole Socke im psychedelischen Garten; Jonny FILTERLOS, Photografik 9 30 2017

Die coole Socke im psychedelischen Garten; Jonny FILTERLOS, Photografik 9 30 2017

'Die coole Socke im psychedelischen Garten'; Jonny FILTERLOS, digitale Photographik 9/30/2017

'Something stupid'

'Something stupid'

'Something stupid'; Sainab Saiahi, Bleistift, 15.05.2016

'Splitted mind'

'Splitted mind'

'Splitted mind'; Sainab Saiahi, Bleistift, 08.05.2016

'Natures lovesick call'

'Natures lovesick call'

'Natures lovesick call'; Weghofer Hans D. C., Zenit Zenit E Bj. 1970 auf Ilford 400, SW-Eigenausarbeitung, Image taken: Juli/23/1987 #‎lovesickRemix‬

'Nous sommes tous Paris'

'Nous sommes tous Paris'

PPP series (Political protestphotography): 'Nous sommes tous Paris'; Weghofer Hans D.C., November/14/2015 ☮ Die Kunst zeigt dem Terror den Eiffelturm! ☮

'Child in time: Purple'

'Child in time: Purple'

'Child in time: Purple'; Weghofer Hans D. C., Sept. 26, 2015

'Child in time: Orange'

'Child in time: Orange'

'Child in time: Orange'; Weghofer Hans D. C., Sept. 26, 2015

'Child in time: Blue'

'Child in time: Blue'

'Child in time: Blue'; Weghofer Hans D. C., Sept. 26, 2015

'Child in time: Green'

'Child in time: Green'

'Child in time: Green'; Weghofer Hans D. C., Sept. 26, 2015

'Child in time: Red'

'Child in time: Red'

'Child in time: Red'; Weghofer Hans D. C., Sept. 26, 2015

'Dawn in a new town'

'Dawn in a new town'

Weghofer Hans D. C., aus der Serie 'Visions of a new town' 12/2014, Übermalung eines Michael Haas-Drucks von 1996

'Night in a new town'

'Night in a new town'

Weghofer Hans D. C., aus der Serie 'Visions of a new town' 12/2014, Übermalung eines Michael Haas-Drucks von 1996

'Dusk in a new town'

'Dusk in a new town'

Weghofer Hans D. C., aus der Serie 'Visions of a new town' 12/2014, Übermalung eines Michael Haas-Drucks von 1996

'Noontime in a new town'

'Noontime in a new town'

Weghofer Hans D. C., aus der Serie 'Visions of a new town' 12/2014, Übermalung eines Michael Haas-Drucks von 1996

'The eye of Ra'

'The eye of Ra'

'The ey of Ra'; Martin Huxley, Mischtechnik on Canvas, 2015

'Temple of the sacred mushroom'

'Temple of the sacred mushroom'

'temple of the sacred mushroom' Martin Huxley, 2015

'Indian yogi'

'Indian yogi'

'indian yogi'; Martin Huxley, 04.2015

'The Sannyasin'

'The Sannyasin'

'The Sannyasin'; Martin Huxley, Mischtechnik on panel, 2014

© 2015 Kunst- und Kulturverein Villa Parva. Erstellt mit

Furth 15 A-2640 Gloggnitz

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